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Mobile Marketing Made Easy

This is some good stuff that you can use as an optin

bribe to build your email list, you can sell this, give it

away, whatever.  Comes with fully made website!

Read the reseller license terms. Get creative and

make bank with this one. 



This bundle includes:

Amazon reviews, Animated flip book, Facebook posts,

Infographics, MP3 Audios, Promotion Emails, Royalty

Free Images, Sales Funnel Pages, Social Media Quotes,

Tweets, The Video Course, Box Covers, etc.  And it's

all done for you!  If you were to hire a launch designer 

to create all this sales material for you - you could expect

to pay several thousand dollars.  Here it is all done for you 

for just the price of $50.00 !  Such a bargain and

this has the potential to make you some good money.  I

suggest Facebook marketing this one

Peak Pilates Gold



The Clickbank Money Super Bundle

Dive in and

see all the actionable assets and THINK on how you 

can best use them to grow your business.  Maybe even

break them up and sell them in a sales funnel?  Just

a thought.  I think these could do well at a low price

point and they could really get the ball rolling for you.

It comes with website salespage but as always I suggest

you retool it and make things look better than they do.

The salespage given is very "old school".  Also make your 

own name and cover for this product (or products).



I think many of you know that I actually got my start

making money online by writing simple ebooks and selling

them on eBay.  Back then it was a great business and that

was even before the advent of Kindle and Amazon so although

the competition in the ebook vertical may be greater, the 

marketplaces where you can sell your ebooks has gotten bigger,

as well as the tools for creating ebooks.  The demand for digital 

information grows every day and it keeps getting bigger.  There IS

opportunity here to make some big bank if you go after it in the

right way.  Marketing is key! But in addition to having access to

this great course you also get the rights to sell this as your own

product!  Yes, this is another "Done For You" business in a box

that includes 10 videos, a done for you autoresponder series,

an affiliates tool page, social media swipes, top blogs resources

to go after, keywords report, presentation and slides, feature

images, etc.  This bundle has all the hard work done for you.

Just take a look at all the work involved in making this package and think what it would have cost YOU in time and money to make this package yourself.  I dare say you would have spent a TON to produce this yourself and here it's all done for you!  This is an in demand product in an evergreen niche.  Just apply your marketing skills to this and prosper.

Ebook Riches



This course is in a very in demand niche and it

is totally resellable. It comes complete with all  

the marketing materials and it comes with a full

website.  It even includes the legal pages!  This is

golden.  Think about setting this up and running

a Bing campaign on it as well as all other marketing

methods in your toolbox.  This has some big potential 

to make you money if you decide to run with it & resell

it.  But also actually take the course!  This information

can make you money as well.  I know lots of guys making very good incomes from doing WSO's every week.  Don't overlook the potential of this!

The WSO Cash Machine  



OK...  I hope you guys know that I'm not a proponent of

anything suggesting a "Fast Cash" type system but I do

not impose my philosophies onto you.

This business in a box comes with 15 advanced module videos,

a salespage and a sales video.  All you need to do is set it up

on your host server and send traffic to it.

The Instant Fast Cash Solution



Blogging Paycheck

OK... this is exactly the sort of thing I want you to use to

build your list so you can make money on demand.  I don't

just give you these assets for no reason.  I give you the exact

same assets I would use to grow my business and if you follow 

through with the long term program you will be able to do 

exactly what I do and make money on demand by sending a simple email (or three) from a mega resort in Hawaii (or wherever).  This is also a complete stand alone product with a website and sales page (if you want to sell it rather than use

it to build a list).  Pay attention to the resell license because it's 

a little tricky in that you can resell or give away the contents of the program but you can NOT give away the reseller kit (the 

sales page).  This is a great evergreen topic that has a huge demand for it so it is a great tool that can make you money 

in at least two ways.  All you have to do is get it out there.  Marketing

clue... use the traffic techniques in the course "An Email Millionaires 

Secrets Exposed" posted above.  See how you have to bring ALL these

courses together to become a well rounded internet income producer?

This site is not about taking a bunch of courses and looking at them as

a single way to make income.  This is about building a full knowledge 

base by compounding everything you learn here.  That is what I am

trying to teach you and that is what will serve you well for the rest

of your life!  This bundle comes with TONS of marketing assets including 

a done for you email campaign.



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