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Golf Blog

Is this Niche HOT!

It’s often said that golf is a rich man’s sport.

A 2009 survey by Golf magazine estimated that golfers spend $2,776 per year on their golf game.

One set of new clubs can cost over $1,000. Plus, it’s estimated that there are over 61 million golfers in the world. They are all spending money and buying new equipment to improve their game.

Golf is an interesting and expensive sport. The old saying “practice makes perfect” definitely applies to golf. The sport relies on knowing the right techniques, putting those techniques into practice, and also; having the right equipment.

This is why a blog about how to optimize your golf training is a lucrative niche. People want to know how to improve their game and they’re willing to pay big bucks to learn what methods are best.

You can offer tips on your blog including what clubs to use for different distances, how to get out of a sand trap, knowing if you should change your technique based on wind direction and how its blowing, what brands offer the best equipment, and reviews of various products.

Golf Training is a super hot money niche. According to Google Keyword Tool, golf and golf training related keywords command high exact-matched searches every month:

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