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WP Video Attention Grabber Software

This software suite is a Wordpress plugin that could have huge 

demand, I can't say for sure as I haven't tried it out.  The thing is,

almost any Wordperss software that can provide a benefit is in

huge demand because there are so many Wordpress users out there.

Last time I looked there were over 74 MILLION! Comes complete

with website, sales copy, graphics, banners, etc.  YES! This can be

used as a bonus, it can be used to build your list and you can even

sell the resell rights to it!  Can it make you money?, IDK... rather I

should ask can you make money with this?  All I can say is that this

was posted by special request of an elite member that is making

BANK with the previous Wordpress software I posted.

What it does:  This plugin allows users to post videos to any corner

of your page. This allows your videos to play continually when a user

scrolls down a page so the video continues to grab their full attention

at all times.  Keeps views engaged!  Customization features include

placement, branding, countdown timer, share buttons, animation effect.



WP Testimonial Pro Software

Wordpress plugin that you can sell as your own product.

As the name implies this cool software makes setting up and

formatting testimonial boxes for best impact.  Flexible layouts

and color grids.  This makes cool forms as well.  As above this

software comes with resell rights so you can profit from it by

using it as a bonus to another product you're selling, building

your list, and yes, you can sell the resell rights to it too!

Comes with all the assets needed to sell this as a stand alone

product too.  Get cracking guys



OK... this is cool and tricky.  This is a template software

that builds these tricky video opt-in forms.  The trick is that

the forms have a video in the form and the video has a play

button.  When the person clicks the play button to see the 

video the form makes him enter his email address before he

can see the video.  This is a genius method because if the 

viewer has clicked the play button he is basically committed 

to the process and he really does want to see the video at 

that point. I have personally used this type of technique in 

the past and I can attest to the fact that it does work like a 

charm.  Look at the video below and you'll get an 

idea of how I used to set my form.  Remember, Pixabay is your 

friend. It comes with the instructional video and a 

website template.  This could be a big seller if you market it right.  This is a crude version that requires the use of an FTP install but I am working on a better version.  Here's what I suggest... use this as a bonus to another product and tell your clients that this is the beta version.  They will be fine with it because they are not paying for it, then when the upgrade version launches you will be able to sell that to them at full price as your main product.

*Additional Note:  You might want to add a note in the files that includes the phrase "If you are unsure about the use of FTP manager on your website just go to and you can hire a webmaster to install this for just $5".

The Million Dollar Squeeze Page Template Software



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